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Smart Dialing

4.9 ( 6279 ratings )
Utilidades Productividad
Desarrollador FireBird Creations
0.99 USD

Cannot remember the phone number you want to call? Tired of searching for contacts to get the number to call?
Smart Dialing offer you a easy way to call the one you like to call.

[How to Use]
Every number represents some alphabets in Smart Dialing.
2 - ABC
3 - DEF
4 - GHI
5 - JKL
6 - MNO
7 - PQRS
8 - TUV
9 - WXYZ
0 - space
For example, if you want to call Mary, just press the number key of each alphabets, that is 6279, and you will see the contact info of Mary showing up in Smart Dialing. Now you may call Mary by simply press on her name.

If you cannot remember the whole phone number, just enter the part you remember, Smart Dialing will search for the phone number which contains the part you entered.
For example, if you enter 312, the phone number 8763124, 8831256 will show up in Smart Dialing. You may just choose the one you want to call and press it.

Any Comments, Suggestions, please email to:
[email protected]